Sandro Azzopardi

Mr. Sandro Azzopardi

Born in Attard, Sandro is the private secretary of Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Ian Borg. He has over twenty-two years of experience in Local Government. He was first elected as a Local Council Member in 2002 and has since occupied various positions as Councillor, Deputy Mayor, and Mayor of his

Born in Attard, Sandro is the private secretary of Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Ian Borg. He has over twenty-two years of experience in Local Government. He was first elected as a Local Council Member in 2002 and has since occupied various positions as Councillor, Deputy Mayor, and Mayor of his hometown Dingli between 2015 and 2019.

Since 2022, Sandro has been the first President of the West Regional Council and was involved in forming the said Region. Sandro is a member of the Executive Committee of the Local Councils’ Association.

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