Maximillian Zammit

Mr. Max Zammit

LCA Member

Max Zammit is currently the Mayor of Ta’ Xbiex and former Government Spokesperson of the Ministry for Tourism in Malta where he served for almost 4 years. He is graduated in Masters in Business Administration at the Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge and is also

Max Zammit is currently the Mayor of Ta’ Xbiex and former Government Spokesperson of the Ministry for Tourism in Malta where he served for almost 4 years. He is graduated in Masters in Business Administration at the Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge and is also graduated in Digital Marketing at the Digital Marketing Institute in Dublin and also graduated in Library and Information Studies at the University of Malta. 

He also had a crucial role in the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Malta, where he had the responsibility to form an integral part in the Malta Task Force through coordination with the foreign press.  Max Zammit is involved in politics and is an Executive Member of the Labour Party of Malta and has represented the Councillors of the Labour Party for the past 5 years. 

Max Zammit has worked for long years with St Patrick’s Residential Care, has served since 2015 in the ALS Malta Foundation Board of Directors and is a board member of the National Committee for the Strengthening of the Family.

He is now looking forward to support the Local Council Association, following the recent national councils election, in which he has been elected as a member on the Association Board representing the local councils of Malta and Gozo.

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