Anthony Chircop

Mr. Anthony Chircop


My first involvement in Local Council elections was when I had already reached pensionable age and thus felt that I could dedicate my experience and more available time for the benefit of the locality I was born, grew up and still reside in. The first election I contested

My first involvement in Local Council elections was when I had already reached pensionable age and thus felt that I could dedicate my experience and more available time for the benefit of the locality I was born, grew up and still reside in. The first election I contested was that of 2012 where I was the PN candidate with the highest number of votes, consequently becoming Sliema’s Mayor. I was reconfirmed as Mayor in the subsequent Local Council elections of 2013 and 2019.

My resignation from Mayor of Sliema was effective on 16th of December 2021.

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