Children and their Rights
The Office of the Commissioner was set up by the Commissioner for Children Act in 2003 with the main aim of safeguarding and promoting Children’s Rights as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The work carried out by the Office focuses on: the protection of children; the promotion of children’s rights; ensuring the provision of necessary services for children; and the participation of children. The office acts as a focal point which monitors the current social and cultural situation in relation to children. The Office of the Commissioner for Children strives to ensure that children are included in all decisions and actions that may affect them directly or indirectly.
The Office of the Commissioner for Children encourages and supports organisations, such as Local Councils, to involve children in their work. One way for Local Councils to involve children in their work, including urban planning, is through the setting up of a Children’s Local Council within each locality. Children make major contributions to the communities in which they live. Their energies, skills, aspirations, creativity and passion can bring about positive change.
For more information about the Office of the Commissioner for Children visit www.tfal.org.mt. For regular updates you can find us on facebook: @Comm4Children and on Instagram: cfc_mlt.
For information and support, the Office can also be contacted on 21485180 or cfc@gov.mt