Tisħiħ tal-Kunsilli Lokali – Gozo Plenary Meeting 2022

Event Date:
November 25, 2022 - November 26, 2022
@ All Day

At the meeting of the Mayors and Vice Mayors, a consultation document was launched by the Association, as a basis for discussion in the consultation process launched by the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government. There, several themes that the Association feels are a priority for the strengthening of Local and Regional Councils throughout the country, were explained and discussed. This document was sent to all the Councillors after this meeting, so that they can view it before the Plenary meeting.

In the Gozo Plenary, the ‘how’ of the way in which these proposals can be carried out was discussed. Of course, the same meeting also allowed those present to give their proposals. This was done since there were six different workshops and the participants were asked to choose the workshop where they felt they can make the biggest contribution. After the workshop section, there was time to discuss the reports of each workshop so that everyone had a chance to comment on the conclusions of all the subjects.

In the session on Friday, there were two foreign experts giving a presentation and providing information about the ‘Covenant of Mayors’ and the SEAP. They also assisted the Local Council to manage this process related to climate change measures. This is why the SEAP has become an important requirement for a Council or entity to be eligible to apply for funds on European projects.

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