Making numbers work for you – tools for decision-making

Event Date:
September 26, 2024 - October 3, 2024
@ 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
An accounting course, entitled ‘Making numbers work for you – tools for decision-making. Basic training in financial aspects for Local Councils’ is being organised by the Local Councils’ Association. This course will focus on understanding a balance sheet, budgeting and other basic accounting topics. There will be two repeat sessions centered around these topics which will be held on Friday, 26th and Monday, 30th September 2024 from 16:00pm till 19:00pm. A different session will be held on Thursday, 03rd October 2024 from 16:00pm till 19:00pm and the aim of this session will be to gain a deeper understanding of the Financial Statements. These sessions will all be held at Sala Joe Cassar, Local Government Building, Local Government Street, Marsa.  

Click here to register for the first topic.

Click here to register for the second topic.

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