Green Public Procurement Workshop

Event Date:
May 4, 2022
@ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

The Local Councils’ Association organised a workshop on Green Public Procurement. This was conducted to give Regional and Local Councils’ members and staff an opportunity to learn about this approach to procurement. Certificates of past workshops and seminars were also distributed.

Chev Paul Farrugia photo

In line with Climate Change and emissions, today’s workshop organised by the Local Council’s Association was a very valid topic on Green Procurement. Good to say that for the last number of years, the Association, under the leadership of Mr Mario Fava has been organising a series of these seminars and it is thanks to the Association for these tangible initiatives that the members and staff of our Local Councils are informed and educated on such initiatives and the way forward. These initiatives are very important even for the local government since they are aimed to improve the lifestyle of our citizens.

Chev Paul Farrugia

Anthony Chircop photo

We attended to this half day seminar which served as the right opportunity where one could understand the procedures involved for the preparation of tender documentation which are to abide with the current regulatory requirements related to Climate Change. Today we were presented with a clearer picture of what needs to be included prior tender submission in order to be in line with the needs addressing Climate Change. Understanding such requirements would clearly ensure that both Local and Regional Councils are on the right track for implementing the necessary changes related to Climate Change. Merited appreciation undoubtedly goes to the Association of the Local Councils for the organisation of this event which keeps on addressing these challenges in a professional manner

Anthony Chircop

John Pillow photo

Today’s seminar on Green Procurement was much needed and very informative as it provided the Local Councils the necessary procurement guidelines.  Coming from the built-up area of Sliema as mentioned in today’s seminar, I see the locality’s need of having Euro 6 engines which limit harmful exhaust emissions. Would really like to thank the Association for these interesting seminars that they hold and for assisting us to keep on improving the leadership of our localities

John Pillow

Sandro Azzopardi photo

We have just ended another interesting and very well attended workshop organised by the Association of Local Councils on Green Public Procurement. This workshop was intended for the secretaries of Regional and Local Councils along with all the employees.  This is a step in the right direction as this initiative would assist all Local Councils in the needed alignment towards the Environment within the tendering process.

Sandro Azzopardi

Clifford Galea Vella photo

From time to time the Association of Local Councils organises a number of interesting workshops; today’s interesting and much needed topic was on Green Procurement Workshop which was very useful and informative as it conveys the right message to all local councils. This information on Climate Change during this seminar helped us understand the challenges we all need to face within the EU in order to have an improved way of life

Clifford Galea Vella

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