Back To Basics – Giving Attention to the Simplest & Most Important Matters

Event Date:
November 25, 2023
@ 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

The Local Councils’ Association has organised a conference entitled Back To Basics – Giving Attention to the Simplest & Most Important Matters on Saturday, 25th November 2023 from 09:00am to 14:30pm at the Malta Marriott Hotel & Spa, St. Julian’s.

The purpose of this conference was to design the LCA’s mission statement by incorporating the aspirations and objectives that were brought forward by attendees for Local and Regional Councils as well as other stakeholders who attended. Additionally, the way the Association can assist the Local and Regional Councils in their work was also discussed.

Moreover, a training program was launched for both Elected Members, Executive Secretaries, Managerial Officers, and clerical workers during this conference.

Event Photos

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